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SoBigData Articles

SoBigData training for journalists in Grosseto

SoBigData organised the course for italian journalists: "Data journalism and Big Data: the revolution of journalistic information in the age of the Internet and social networks".

On July the 7th some SoBigData reaserchers and collaborators (Giulio Rossetti, Daniele Fadda, Michela Natilli, Laura Pollacci, Andrea Marchetti, Viola Bachini) went to Grosseto (Italy) and talked about the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in data-driven journalism.

The course was co-organized and accredited by the Italian National Council of Journalists.


- Introduction (WCH, SoBigData) - Luciano Calì, Giulio Rossetti, University of Pisa

- One against five - The gender gap in university careers - Michela Natilli, University of Pisa

- Italy going to the World Cup - The Italian female soccer players - Andrea Marchetti, IIT-CNR

- All maps lie - How to tell the election results in a right way - Daniele Fadda, University of Pisa

- The future is the bet to go home. Migrants entrepreneurs from Italy to Senegal - Viola Bachini, University of Pisa

- My band plays rock: Tuscan music (and not) told by data - Laura Pollacci, University of Pisa

Conclusions - Luciano Calì